Movies first:
The Duchess
The Wrestler
The feast of love
Seven Pounds
Intimate Stories
Big Blue
Julie and Julia
Same Time, Next Year
Mr Brooks

And books. Yes I read more than usual - and all of them were read, not audio books! You can tell I haven't been driving to the city but instead, a couple of flights!:
Peony in Love
Sunday's at Tiffany's
Wesley the Owl
Death at La Fenice

Wesley the owl was sweet all about a woman hand rearing a barn owl - but it got annoying in places too. Sunday's at Tiffany's was another quick read on a plane and Peony in Love should have ended after the first third!
So that was my month. My regular drives to the city start up again this week so I need to download some audiobooks. Any suggestions for me? I have two I'm just starting to read but none to listen to.... And what was your favorite movie of the month too?