Thursday, August 20, 2009

Week 1 Caption Competition Winner

The winner for last week's Caption Competition is Catherine Witherell! Congratulations Catherine.

Her caption was "Psst. Help, I've forgotten the steps!"

Thanks everyone for entering. New competition starting today!

Here are all the entries:
There's one in every crowd
Pssst! Help, I forgot the steps!
Anyone can.....stand out in a crowd
To succeed means that you may have to step out of line and march to the sound of your own drummer.
Decisions, Decisions! What shall I wear today!
Quail Queue!
Dare to be different?
Changing views from the middle
If you don't like your view, change directions
He said, that she said, that they said, that he did what?
About face....oops!
Odd man (bird) out
Even quails have black sheep
Learning the macherena
Turn to the right!
Make an illegal U-turn
Homewood Bound
Wrong way Wren
Having second thoughts
Is there a sale i don't know about?
Left wing vs. right wing
Hindsight is 20/20


HappyDayArt! said...

Is Quentin the errant Quail? I am so excited to have one of your birdies, I can hardly wait! Thank you Ruth!

xo Catherine

Ruth said...

Quentin is looking forward to his new home with you.