Monday, July 20, 2009

Commissions - IV - Miriam's Castle

I finished another commission today. This was a great project that I really enjoyed.

A customer from Ireland had purchased one of my necklaces depicting a castle. When I sent off her necklace, I noticed her address was Old Tower House so when I next emailed her, I asked if she lived in a tower and that was what had attracted her to the castle necklace.

She explained that she looks out at a tower...and then asked if I could make her a necklace of that. So a couple of photos later and a few emails back and forth, and I started making Miriam's Castle.

Here's the photo she sent me:

And here is my interpretation in the form of the finished necklace:

Making it reminded me of how much I like doing architectural pieces. Miriam asked for a similar style to the previous necklace she had bought, with a touch of whimsy, so I kept it plain, not textured and simple.

It looks like a fascinating building - one I'd like to go and explore...such interesting roof lines and combinations of curves and straight lines.... Wonder how the tower was used?..... Hope Miriam likes her castle...


Lora Hart said...

This is unbelievable! I'd tell you to have it cast, but you don't have it anymore. You're such a great artist Miss Ruth!

Ruth said...

Thanks Lora. Don't think it could be cast easily as it is hollow...Anyhow - I love the construction side of it, so it's a pleasure to make! Appreciate your comments.