Last summer I made a bronze necklace called "comfort me" which a friend bought before she went on a trip to Kenya. The necklace has the words of the 23rd psalm on it and hanging in front, the tag says "comfort me". She was planning on taking it with her on her trip. This week she emailed me her story about the necklace:
"Since returning from an other worldly trip to Kenya in October, I have wanted to let you know how very special the "Comfort me" pendant became. As much as I treasured it for myself, when I became of aware of the ever present stresses in the life of my hostess, Mary Hinga, it seemed only right that she have the pendant. (Our church is partnering with the Kihumo Parish, and Mary, as a longstanding member of session and head of the women's guild, is constantly reaching out to serve those less fortunate. She hasn't seen her husband in a couple of years as he's been under medical care in the states. ) Point being - Mary was thrilled with the gift. In taking photos the day we visited a refugee camp, I was lucky to get one shot which shows off the pendant beautifully. As you create your jewelry, do you ever wonder where it will find a home? This piece traveled far!"
Thanks so much for letting me know Judy. Glad that comfort is being spread around the world.
Wow - what an amazing story! Matt (Ruth's 14 year old nephew) was asked at school this week to think of a time when a decision he made had a positive impact on someone else. What a great example!
So touching...What a treasure of a story :)
Makes me want to do some more comfort pieces.....and spread it around...
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