Friday, April 23, 2010

The Colors of Columbine - Friday's fascinations, facts and folklore

After dinner this evening, I went outside to pick some Columbines from the garden.  We have masses in flower right now.  They must have re-seeded well last year and just look spectacular. Some of them are really tall, and in lots of different shades.

I just love the shape of the petals of Columbines (Aquilegia).  It is quite a complex shape and one I wish I could sculpt.  I have actually made some silver earrings of the seed pods of Columbines but that was quite a few years ago....

The flower name people say: The name Columbine comes from the appearance of the flower looking to some as a circle of doves (Latin: columba) drinking around a fountain?????

The Aquilegia name is because the knobbed spurs look like the talons of an eagle (Latin: aquila)!!! Hmm...what's in a name anyhow??....

We, and the hummingbirds, are graced with such a wonderful abundance this year so its nice to bring some indoors to enjoy as well.  

Which is your favorite color? I think I like the soft blue/purple the best....


stregata said...

I usually have an abundance of columbine in my garden, but it will be a few weeks before they are ready to bloom. I love the deep purple ones, which is the colour of wild columbine here.

My Computer Tutor said...

I didn't know columbine was the same as aquilegia. I have aquilegia all over my garden...but not 'out' yet. I always think it's the first sign of summer in the garden - that and the swifts arriving.

We had some frost yesterday, so summer will be a few weeks yet!