Monday, January 18, 2010

Top Ten wild birds

I've been thinking about the different birds I use in my jewelry, from Quentin quail .... to Clair de Loon ...... to Orlando the swan...., and wondering what other birds I should be trying. So I thought I'd come up with a list of what seems to me to be the most popular wild birds. The list is highly unscientific - just my thoughts based on what designs we see, photographs, news....a whole variety of things. Here are the top 10 - in no particular order

So what do you think? Have I missed out something obvious? What is your favorite?

What about my runners up: herons....Should they be on there? And what about Quentin??? What about a type of duck...

From the list I've made a penguin, a woodpecker, a hummingbird, an owl and a swan..... What next?


Anonymous said...

The Nuthatch is a dapper little bird and the only one I know that can climb up AND down trees.

And who could forget "Nuthatch City Limits" by Tina Turner?

Anonymous said...

Should that be "Nuthatch Sitta Limits"? (BirdyGeeky joke!) Tina Turnstone???

Ruth said...

Hmmm... I'll have to think about this one....maybe before my time???? :-D