Monday, November 30, 2009

November in Movies and Books

This month has been a little low in both movie watching and book reading. Not quite sure why the lack of movies, but I know the books have been down as I've been listening to The Economist on my ipod when I drive to the city, instead of books. Not sure how long that will last....:-D

Anyhow - the movies I watched this month were:

King of California
The Jury
The real dirt on Farmer John
The life of David Gale
Turandot - live HD broadcast from the Met.

I loved the opera Turandot. If you haven't had a chance to catch one of the Met opera HD broadcasts at a movie theater, you should try. They are wonderful. Turandot had amazing settings and costumes....and we just loved it. It was funny as we saw the matinee of Turandot and then that evening we watched The Life of David Gale and Turandot was featured in it!!! There was a poster of it in one of the scenes that we spotted and then the last scene was part of the production of Turandot! If we hadn't been to the opera that morning, we would have missed what it was all about!!!

Anyhow - I highly recommend The Life of David Gale too. Gosh - very clever. Can't tell you much about it as it may ruin it, but what I can say is it is about a man who is an activist against capital punishment who ends up on death row accused of the murder of a fellow activist. Kevin Spacey and Kate Winslet.

The other one I recommend is The Jury. This was actually a 6 part series on British Television quite a few years ago. I hadn't seen it then, but we watched it on Netflix. It was a good jury twisting plot - but great characters in the jury too.

As far as books go, I only read one this month - non-fiction. It was "The End of Overeating" by David Kessler. David Kessler is a former FDA commission who did a lot of work on food labelling and also tackled the tobacco industry. The book is just a fascinating look into how our minds and bodies change when we each foods containing sugar, fat and salt and how manufacturers use this information. It's not a heavy read at all - and quotes interesting studies.

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