Saturday, September 26, 2009

A new sheep is born!

Remember Doug the Dog from a few weeks ago? He went to live with Cindy and now Cindy wants some friends for him.

Here is his first friend - a little sheep.

I've been making sheep for a while and have used the names Mat and Ted for them - as "MatTed" as in wet wool etc....but I wanted a new name for this sheep.......

I thought of a few different ones:

Hugo - as in "Ewe-go girl"! - but as ewe is female and Hugo is male that didn't seem to maybe Eugenia....
Baabaara - need I say more?
Cashew(e)....if the sheep is a money earner!
Lamborghini.....if it runs fast and is expensive to keep!

but in the end I've decided on Cher. Cher the Sheep - as in shear! And when her wool has been shorn off, she'll be dressed like the other Cher we all know!

So there's Doug the Dog, Cher the Sheep and you'll have to wait until Monday to meet the third member of Cindy's new family!


florcita said...

Cher the Sheep, I inmediately thought of the hair of the other Cher... looks like sheep!

Milica Bubanja said...

I lot of positive energy in this design! So sweet :)

Glassprimitif said...

Love Cher! WE have a sheep blog and we had a little competition to name the blog. The winning suggestion was Sheep Cred. Geddit?

Ruth said...

Maybe sheep bring out the baaaaad names in us! My sister just suggested in Fleecity...

Karen Lynn said...

LOL... is that "flee city" (as in, for the country) or "fleece-ity"?