Monday, September 7, 2009

Doug the Dog

I was recently asked to make a dog for a customer but not as jewelry. She wanted a dog that she could carry with her in her pocket ... or that would sit near her on her desk...or watch over her at night...

And so I created Doug the Dog (get it "doug" as in "dug"??!). He's a happy little dog with a big smile on his face. I've been training him and he now lies down - as you can see in the picture. Needs a little more training to get him to sit but I'll leave that up to his new owner, Cindy.


meherio68 said...

Doug the Dog seems like he's going to be much more easy to deal with than my mother's huge alpha-femal dog. Now, there's a dog my beloved kitty would take to!

Ruth said...

Yes, Doug's training has started out well! I'm sure his new owner will get him under control! I think my husband thinks he's just the sort of dog we could deal with!

Anonymous said...

Oh WOW or Woof!!! I not only love Snoopy, I love absolutely love dogs especially my mind, we own a black female lab...oh, no now you know how really crazy I am. Anyway, sorry Matt and Ted...need dogs more than sheep. I'm sad. :-(

Ruth said...

Colleen! I've spent the evening trying to console Matt and Ted - quite a mess of tears with all that wool - and Doug the dog has done nothing but jump up and down now he thinks he's the favorite! The trouble you cause!