This month's topic is: A Merry Gift. Our little group of merry bloggers have become great friends from all around the world so we decided this month to each make a little something for one of the other merriers. I drew names out of a hat as to who would make for whom, and we had the option of making something personalized or not. Our blog post today is therefore to show off the gift we received and then we can link and see what the others got! I'm eager to find out!
My gift came from Sara from Sara's Texture crafts. Sara was one of the first people I connected with online when I started selling on Dawanda. We both joined Dawanda at roughly the same time - 3 years ago - and I was always inspired about how often I saw her name in so many different places! She did and does a great job of marketing and connecting.
Her store has changed direction since then with more focus now on selling supplies and connecting "fiber" people together on forums and other platforms for learning, support and experimentation. It's been great to see that path develop, and now all the new things that she seems to be trying.
I got a lovely lavendar heart as my gift from Sara. The top of the heart is hand made felt in flesh tones and feels so soft and cozy - very comforting. It is adorned wtih beads and embroidery - and the beads just happen to be in my favorite color!
The reverse is maybe muslin or some such fabric (?) and now the fun begins as it turns into a scratch and sniff toy! The lavender aroma comes through the fabric and even more so if you scratch it a little! The scent is calming and it reminds me of my mum. Not really sure why... I don't recall her wearing lavender perfume....we grow a lot of lavender here and while she and I have made lavender wands together...it isn't that. Anyhow - it doesn't matter why - she comes to mind when I smell it and that just adds to the comfort and calming feeling.
I love it - including Sara's little tag on it which says " Handmade for you by Saras Texture Crafts". It just adds to the piece and also provides a means of hanging it, if you want. For me I'm going to put it in my closet between some clothes and then be pleasantly surprised when I take them out.
Thank you Sara. I feel comforting love exuding from it!
I made something for Mariana at Florcita.....no I'm not going to tell you - you'll have to go and take a look! Her link is below, and I hope you'll look at all the other merriers so see what everyone made. As we are all on different time zones, please be patient if someone has yet posted their merry gift!
Alison at Tweed Delights - http://idreamoftweed.blogspot.com
Mitsy at ArtMind - http://artmind-etcetera.blogspot.com
Kim at Vilt a la Kim - http://viltalakim.blogspot.com
Sara at Crafts of Texture - http://sarastexturecrafts.blogspot.com
Fabienne at Easterya Jewellery Creations - http://easterya.blogspot.com
Mariana at Florcita - http://www.florcita.eu/
Agathe at Le Bar du Vent - http://lebarduvent.blogspot.com
Lily at Lily Pang Art and Design - http://lilypangart.blogspot.com