Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It takes guts......

I was thinking the other day, as I regularly do, about how the individual 'me' comes through in my jewelry.  With my silver work you see whimsy reflecting my sense of humor; flowers, birds and animals reflecting me as a nature lover; stained glass windows reflecting my singing at Grace etc etc..... So I started wondering how the 'me' can come through in my new aluminium work.

At the moment I'm trying lots of new things and techniques with the aluminium and being open to it all and seeing where it'll take me...but I thought I should try and think of what makes me who I am and put a little of that into my aluminum work. This bracelet is a result of that!

It illustrates the biologist in me (my undergraduate degree was in Biology) - and also a little of my gut issues - I am Celiac. Thus if you look carefully, you'll see some microvilli...and different cells.... and membranes from our body and guts..... and maybe even some good gut bacteria!  And as my favorite color is lime green, I chose to depict them all in shades of green - the perfect shade for a queasy tummy!!!

I used little rivets to hold it together...I'm hoping they don't indicate kidney stones or something.....

I mentioned this unusual "creation" to my sister a few days ago and she seemed to think that I wouldn't elaborate about it in my blog!  Well here it is!  Can you see your gut lining in it?????? :=D

Hmmm. Now what should I call this????


Anonymous said...

What a perfect example of how our association affect what we see. I just see a beautiful bracelet with wonderful patterns and colors. (Blue and green are my favorite colors.) =) I do not see the stomach microbe associations at all.

Isn't that the beauty of art? It speaks to people in different ways. =)

Barb Fernald said...

I would call it a pretty gutsy piece!
It's a very nice bracelet.

Ruth said...

Thanks Christine. Just what I wanted to hear! :-D
I wanted it to look like an attractive bracelet that only the wearer, or on closer inspection, would know what it was all about and they could decide whether to explain it or not!

Hi Barb - glad you had a good time in Vermont albeit a little cold sometimes. Thanks for the gutsy idea!

Vickie Hallmark said...

Gut feeling! A little double meaning there.

Ruth said...

I like it Vickie! Now if only I was going to sell it instead of keep it for myself! Maybe I'll have to do another similar one.... As a fellow scientist you can probably picture another one I have in mind - "cell" bracelet with mitochondria, golgi apparatus etc etc!

Anonymous said...

How about "Passing through??!!" Or if that is too nasty, what about "inner beauty?"

M xx

Ruth said...

Now we're talking! "Passing through" will have everyone wanting to buy one!!! You know how to boost my sales. Maybe you should be my marketing manager?

"Inner beauty" is very clever. I like that. Now I wonder what I'd do for a Mary bracelet?

Anonymous said...

It would have to be purple but other than that - surprise me! How about a "family" bracelet so we could all wear oneat the same time, in different places!
Once these marketing ideas start, there is no stopping me!

Easterya said...

I saw the beautiful colours and never for a minute thought of anything biological or gutsy, it is absolutely beautiful!! If anything it looks like caribbean sealife!!